Fogo Island Central Academy
FICA is a K-12 public school serving the 11 communities on Fogo Island. 

About Us

School Mission: 

Fogo Island Central Academy will strive to create a diverse and effective learning environment that emphasizes respect, inclusion, and promotion of pride, achievement, leadership, and maximum individual student growth. 

Quick Facts:

Need to Know

Power School Parent/Student Portal 

Parent/Student usernames and passwords have been distributed to intermediate and secondary students.
Parents, guardians and students can now access their grades through the PowerSchool Portal.

District Code: NNXG

Bus Planner & Transportation

Parent/Student usernames and passwords have been distributed to all students.
Parents and guardians can now access their child's bus routes through the Bus Planner Portal.
Please contact the school if you need your username and password.

Social Media

Facebook (FICA)

Twitter (NL Schools)